Bending Branches Underbrushing provides top quality underbrushing services to Western PA, Eastern Ohio and the West Virginia Panhandle. Even in the most difficult terrain, Bending Branches can help clear your property of vegetation.
Obviously, some property is going to be too steep to clear with our equipment but you will be suprised what is possible with the best property clearing equipment made. Before we begin, we will assess your property and will let you know if any areas are not accessible with our equpment.
Generally our mulchers can handle small brush and saplings anything larger will either have to remain or be removed by other means. we will let you know if there is anything that we will not be able to remove beforehand.
This depends a lot on the terrain and the type of material that we have to remove. the more dense the growth and how level the property is play a major factor in the amount of time it will take to clear your land. We will let you know roughly how long it will take prior to starting.
Absolutely, in many cases we prefer to keep some of the larger trees to grow as their existence will continue to help with erosion.